Many scenarios, accidents and circumstances can qualify for the above. Certain factors are taken into consideration by High Rise Financial and our team of underwriters. When reviewing and evaluating your case, we will ask you if you are represented by an attorney or law firm. You must have a ongoing claim or case or be pursuing such a claim actively against the insurance company. We also review the facts of the accident and there is a liability analysis. For example, if a police report states that the other party is 100% at fault for the incident and you are 0% at fault, this will increase your chances of qualifying and receiving pre-settlement lawsuit funding.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Whether you were an insured driver at the time of the accident and whether the at-fault party has insurance are also taken into consideration. Overall, our team at High Rise Financial works directly with your attorney to obtain this information when making an assessment for legal funding for your case. Contact us today to find out whether your claim can get you the cash you urgently need.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.