To make matters worse for the injured victim and plaintiff, typically individuals who are already in nursing homes have a pre-existing condition which necessitates the care of a nurse. Exacerbation of injuries generally occurs when a claim of nursing home negligence or misconduct arises.
Sadly, we have heard and seen many cases involving elders suffering from lack of hydration, improper medication or nourishment which leads to a whole host of other medical problems for the patient. Many nursing home lawsuit settlements are in excess of $500,000 depending on the nature of the injuries, nature of the mistake, and outcome and impact on the patient’s life. Did this cost the patient financially or health-wise and has the nursing home committed a similar mistake in the past are important considerations for your nursing home attorney.
At High Rise Financial, we seek to alleviate and reduce the financial pressure involved in lawsuits and litigation for nursing home victims of neglect and abuse by offering a pre-settlement funding tool. Namely, we offer plaintiffs of personal injury lawsuits legal funding in the form of a cash, which is similar to a pre-settlement lawsuit loan. However, unlike a regular loan, references and credit reports are not searched or examined. Also, unlike a loan, the repayment of the lawsuit funding is conditioned on a settlement or positive outcome for your case. This means we carry the entire burden and risk, so in the unlikely event that your claim does not settle, you do not need to repay the funding. Apply online to learn if your case qualifies for legal funding.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Contact us today to learn more about your options to fund your legal case and help with nursing home negligence lawsuit settlements.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.