If you or a family member was injured as a result of a dangerous condition in the workplace, you may qualify for lawsuit cash funding in addition to legal compensation for your bodily injuries from the at-fault party. Some people work in inherently dangerous environments with moving parts such as in factories operating heavy machinery. Amputations, injury to limbs and fingers or body parts are unfortunately known to occur in such workplaces.
From factories and plants that create furniture to factories that assemble various parts, such working conditions require extra caution and can be dangerous. For example, if a pipe is connected to a part but the switch is left on and the employee puts his or her arm inside the moving part unknowingly, fatal injuries can result.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
OSHA inspects the employer’s premises when an accident or injury is reported to determine the cause and whether proper safety procedure, training and protocol were followed or whether the employer must be fined or cited. In workplace injuries where the safety measures taken were insufficient and bodily harm resulted in any event, not due to the employee’s negligence, you may have a legal personal injury claim for compensation under California law. If you are represented by a law firm or attorney, you may also qualify for cash funding for your lawsuit with High Rise Financial. We cater to victims of such accidents in trying to provide the cash you need to pay medical bills, piling expenses and just survive or recover while your case is being pursued.
Workplace injury cases are often litigated if the cause or liability is disputed. Such issues can prolong your case and delay your settlement or receipt of money. Contract High Rise Financial today to apply for legal funding for your lawsuit. We would love to help you.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.