Settlement funding is a form of cash advance that you do in the midst of a personal injury lawsuit. If you’re in the middle of a personal injury case, then you’re eligible for legal funding. The cash from the lawsuit loan is your instant money to pay for medical bills, daily expenses, and more.
The money saves you from the financial pressure amidst the case. You won’t be tempted to settle for low compensation, especially if you’re against a wealthy opponent with a whole legal team after you. With us at High Rise Financial, we help even out the field. The lawsuit funding is your financial backing to make it through until you’re well compensated for your injuries. When you turn to California Legal Funding, you can secure the necessary financial support to ensure a fair fight for your rightful compensation.
Lawsuit Loans in California
Accidents happen everywhere; California is no exception. The California Health Care Foundation reports that overfive million people visit emergency rooms due to unintentional injuries annually. Millions of people fight legal battles yearly for a reasonable compensation fee.
Not everyone can survive a lengthy legal court trial; some need financial support. Hence, the existence of pre settlement loans. Your lawyer can aggressively fight for your right and get the maximum settlement you deserve without you worrying.
If you or one of your family members is a personal injury victim, it’s best to contact our lawsuit funding specialists to know your options.
FAQs about Settlement Loans
Whether to get a lawsuit loan or not is the question. Many hesitate to apply for legal funding for fear of paying for it even when they don’t win their case. Here are some frequently asked questions on lawsuit loans to guide you.
- What is a settlement loan?
A settlement loan isn’t your typical loan where you need to pay for the borrowed amount regardless of the outcome. Presettlement funding doesn’t have that risk.
- How do settlement loans work?
After application, the firm evaluates your claim and offers a settlement advance. Once approved, the cash advance is given to you within a day.
- Do I qualify for a pre settlement loan?
There are three determining factors for eligibility for pre settlement funding.
- You have an injury
- You have a lawyer
- A good chance of proving liability
The stronger your case is, the more chances you have for a lawsuit loan.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
More FAQs about Settlement Loans
- What are the downsides of lawsuit loans in Murrieta?
Lawsuit loans in Murrieta are short-term financing solutions, so they have disadvantages. Some firms have compounding interest, meaning the longer the case drags on, the more significant interest you pay once it’s settled. Aside from that, California doesn’t have strict regulations on lawsuit loans. There’s not much protection in place for you.
- Where can I use the settlement loan?
You can use it for many reasons. The money can pay the bills, living expenses, legal fees, etc. The pre settlement funding is your financial safety net in the middle of your legal battle.
- How to know the right firm?
Murrieta Legal Funding is a top firm of choice for pre settlement funding in California. We offer you the lowest rates and several options. You can then decide whether to move forward with the lawsuit loan.
Murrieta Pre-Settlement Funding Lawyer Near Me (877) 735-0016
Call Us for Settlement Loans in Murrieta
Legal fees can rack up in no time. You may find yourself without a stable income due to the injury. Applying for a lawsuit loan can help you get immediate funds before your case settles. Call us today to get presettlement funding in Murrieta.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.