You might be tempted to take out a lawsuit loan to help. However, New Jersey legal funding with High Rise Financial is a risk-free alternative to help you pay for living expenses after your accident. Talk to an experienced member of our team today about your situation so you can begin the loan application process.
- Why Should You Get New Jersey Legal Funding?
- Get Legal Funding for Your Lawsuit in New Jersey
- How does Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Work?
- What Are the Requirements for Pre-Settlement Funding in New Jersey?
- Statute of Limitations for Legal Funding in New Jersey
- What Cases Are Covered by Pre-Settlement Legal Funding?
- How Could New Jersey Shared Fault Laws Impact Your Personal Injury Settlement?
- What Can You Spend Your NJ Legal Funding On?
- What does Non-Recourse Mean?
- How to Apply for Legal Funding in New Jersey
- Get Legal Funding in New Jersey for Your Settlement
Why Should You Get New Jersey Legal Funding?
A settlement could take months or years to resolve, and during that time, your finances could suffer as you wait for your compensation. With pre-settlement legal funding in New Jersey, you can avoid these problems and get your money now. This can relieve much of the pressure you will face to accept a lesser settlement than you could otherwise obtain.
Get Legal Funding for Your Lawsuit in New Jersey
If you know you will win your settlement, why wait to get the money when you could have it now? That is the logic behind pre-settlement legal funding. Instead of waiting for the cash you are confident you will receive, you can get it now without worrying about fighting a long, drawn-out case.
With legal funds in New Jersey, you can now get the money you expect from your case. This can help you avoid the stalling tactics defendants use to force plaintiffs to accept lower settlements than they could have obtained.
How does Pre-Settlement Legal Funding Work?
Pre-settlement legal funding qualifies as a form of non-recourse debt. The IRS classifies it as such because a plaintiff has no obligation to repay it from their finances. All repayment of the money they receive will come from the settlement itself.
Pre-settlement funding functions as an investment and not a loan. This leaves plaintiffs free from responsibility for paying back the funding if they lose their settlement or if there is a shortfall. When you have questions about NJ legal funding, seek out answers from High Rise Financial. Your personal finances should not be used to pay for expenses stemming from an accident caused by someone else.
What Are the Requirements for Pre-Settlement Funding in New Jersey?
To qualify for pre-settlement legal funding in New Jersey, you must be awaiting a settlement and have the authorization of your lawyer to receive third-party funding. This means you must be represented by a personal injury or a civil litigation attorney to be eligible for legal funding. Your settlement can come from a class action lawsuit, insurance claim, personal injury settlement, or civil lawsuit.
However, your attorney must be able to show High Rise Financial loan specialists that you are likely to be awarded the compensation you are seeking as part of your New Jersey lawsuit loan. Let our loan specialists help you apply for the right amount of financial assistance your family requires while you recover from your injuries.
Statute of Limitations for Legal Funding in New Jersey
If you hope to be approved for pre-settlement funding in New Jersey, you must ensure your injury claim is filed before the statute of limitations expires. Under the law, personal injury claims in New Jersey must be filed within two years of the incident.
However, the exact deadline can vary wildly depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Do not put your legal funding at risk by failing to take action on your case promptly.
What Cases Are Covered by Pre-Settlement Legal Funding?
Here are some of the types of cases that qualify to receive legal funding in New Jersey:
- Personal injury
- Car accident – learn more about car accident loans
- Medical malpractice
- Dog attacks
- Defective devices
- Jones Act
- Qui tam and whistleblower cases
Unfortunately, we cannot fund workers’ compensation claims in NJ due to New Jersey law. However, suppose you were involved in a work-related accident and are pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against the liable party. In that case, you may be eligible for legal funding in New Jersey.
You can discuss your options further when you contact our loan specialists or a work injury lawyer to discuss the circumstances of your case. Call High Rise Financial today to speak with a member of our team about your financial needs and the accident that caused your injury.
How Could New Jersey Shared Fault Laws Impact Your Personal Injury Settlement?
The state of New Jersey operates under a modified comparative fault doctrine. Here, if you are partially responsible for causing your injuries, you can still be awarded compensation for your damages. However, the amount of compensation you can be awarded will be reduced in proportion to your responsibility for the accident.
For example, if you were involved in a car accident and were not wearing your seatbelt, the judge might find you 10% at fault for causing your injuries. If the jury awarded you $1 million when a drunk driver hit you, your million-dollar injury settlement would be reduced by 10%. This would leave you with a total car accident settlement of $900,000.
As can be seen, sharing liability can substantially impact the amount of restitution you can be awarded in your case. Your attorney will work closely with our team at High Rise Financial to analyze how NJ shared fault laws could impact your injury settlement so we can maximize the amount of your legal funding.
What Can You Spend Your NJ Legal Funding On?
If you have concerns that your legal funding in New Jersey would be limited, you will be pleased to learn that this is not the case. Just like you would be able to spend your injury settlement, your New Jersey legal funding has no limitations.
Many people who have been dealing with financial distress due to a personal injury, civil claim, or insurance case will need to use their legal funding to cover essentials and necessities, including:
- Rent or mortgage payments
- Utility bills
- Internet and phone bills
- Credit card debt
- Grocery expenses
- Education costs
- Gas
- Vehicle expenses
- Insurance premiums
However, ultimately, the way your legal funding is spent is completely up to you. No one should ever be monitoring how you spend the compensation that is rightfully yours. Be sure your finances are protected when dealing with an injury from an accident caused by someone else.
What does Non-Recourse Mean?
One of the top concerns about lawsuit loans is how they will pay back a loan if their pre-settlement funding does not come through. Non-recourse means you will not be expected to repay your lawsuit loan if your injury settlement, insurance settlement, or other civil payout does not come in.
Unlike traditional loans, you are not putting anything up for collateral in accessing compensation through a lawsuit loan. This means High Rise Financial will never attempt to seek recovery of the funds we provided you if your injury settlement falls through.
You do not have to worry about negative consequences surrounding your credit report or score, nor do you need to worry that we will attempt to collect the debt later. In this way, New Jersey legal funds are risk-free.
How to Apply for Legal Funding in New Jersey
If you are hoping to apply for NJ legal funding, it is important that you first reach out to your attorney to discuss whether settlement loans are a good option for your keys. If your attorney agrees that this is a viable solution for you and your family, you can reach out to High Rise Financial to fill out our application.
Be prepared to describe your civil litigation matters and the compensation you hope to recover as part of your New Jersey lawsuit loan. Provide us with the necessary information to determine whether we can approve your application. Once you have filled out your application for legal funding, our team of loan specialists will review it and discuss any concerns with your lawyer. If we determine that your application should be approved, we may be able to send the funds you need to your financial institution in as few as 24 hours.
If you have additional questions about how the legal funding application process works, what supporting information can help with the processing of your application, or other concerns, do not hesitate to contact our office for the answers you are looking for.
Get Legal Funding in New Jersey for Your Settlement
New Jersey pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial can help you pay your bills and keep your quality of life as you pursue justice. In as little as 24 hours, you could have cash in your account to spend any way you see fit, which you won’t have to pay back from your personal assets.
Contact us today to get the cash you need to live the life you deserve. We are here to give you the support you need throughout your lawsuit.