Fortunately, there are options available to ease your financial hardships. Do not be trapped by predatory lenders looking to capitalize on your misfortune. Contact High Rise Financial today to find out about the cases we fund and discover how legal funding for your personal injury lawsuit can relieve your fiscal worries.
How Legal Funding Can Work for You
You may be curious to understand exactly what legal funding means and how it can lessen the financial difficulties that come with your injuries. While it can be known as lawsuit loans, pre-settlement loans, or litigation financing, legal funding is much different from bank or personal loans or cash advances drawn from your credit card. The simplest description for legal funding is as a cash advance that will be paid back from the monetary payout you receive when your personal injury lawsuit is victorious.
Unlike predatory lenders that take advantage of accident victims who are suffering from drastic injuries, legal funding essentially allows you to access the money you are entitled to from your pending civil litigation.
With pre-settlement financing from High Rise Financial, you will know from the beginning what your rate will be and exactly how much you will have to pay back when your settlement comes in. You can be confident with our process and access the cash you need when you need it most.
Legal funding with High Rise Financial is available through non-recourse loans, meaning there is little to no risk to you. This means we support our clients with lawsuit funding that you only pay back if and when your lawsuit is successful. When your lawyer receives the funds from your settlement, they will then deduct their attorney’s fees and remit payment to us.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
You Can Qualify for Legal Funding by Meeting Just a Few Conditions
There are only a few requirements you will need to apply for legal funding. You must be 18 years of age, retained a reputable lawyer, and have filed a lawsuit against the liable party in your case. With these simple criteria met you can apply now and speak with our dedicated and supportive representatives to further discuss your eligibility.
Once you have applied for a pre-settlement loan, your representative with High Rise Financial will contact your attorney to discuss the details and viability of your case. You should be aware that it is a good idea to speak with your lawyer about legal funding so that you may authorize your legal representative to discuss the details of your case to avoid any violations of attorney-client privilege. This can help to expedite the process of receiving your funds.
Once we have contacted your lawyer and evaluated the circumstances of your case, you could receive your pre-settlement legal funding in as little as 24 to 48 hours. While other lenders may assess your credit or work history, because our legal funding is related to your expected payout, we do not check your credit score. Do not delay; you can apply today to see if you qualify.
Be Aware of the Statute of Limitations for Your Personal Injury Case
Generally speaking, according to North Carolina’s General Statutes §1‑52, you have only three years from the date of your injury to file a civil action against the responsible party. In some certain situations, this time limit can be paused or “tolled” if a particular set of circumstances apply. For example, if you were injured in a car accident and suffered whiplash, but the symptoms did not manifest for a week, the statute of limitations may start from the date of your diagnosis.
Charlotte Funding for Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me (877) 735-0016
Use Your Legal Funding the Way You Need to
With legal funding from High Rise Financial, you can use your pre-settlement loan for all of your daily and monthly expenses to protect your financial standing and provide for yourself and your family. We do not track or monitor how you utilize the legal funding we provide. Some ways our clients use their lawsuit loans are:
- Rent or mortgage payments
- Water, gas, and other utility bills
- Car loan payments
- Insurance payments
- Clothing purchases
- Groceries and hygiene products
- Outstanding medical bills
- Prescription medications
- Fuel and repair costs
- Credit card payments
- Extracurricular activities
Civil litigation can easily take months or even years to navigate the already overextended legal system. While you wait for your lawsuit to be settled, make sure you stay current with all of your financial obligations. Legal funding is one of the best ways to access the money you need when you need it most.
Learn About the Cases We Offer Pre-settlement Legal Funding for
High Rise Financial offers legal funding for nearly any type of personal injury case you could be facing. We care about our communities and support our members with the finances we need. Some of the various cases we have funded include:
- Premises liability claims
- Bicycle and pedestrian claims
- Car accidents
- Bus accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Commercial truck accidents
- Medical malpractice cases
- Slip and fall cases
- Wrongful death cases
We also offer legal funding for many other types of personal injury lawsuits that are not specifically listed. Contact our professional and empathetic representatives today to see how we can help you get the funding you need. We can carefully evaluate the strength of your case and its circumstances to see if a lawsuit loan is right for you.
Complete a Free Application form now
Legal Funding Could Offer the Financial Relief You Need
High Rise Financial is proud to offer assistance to our clients so they can focus on their recovery and not worry about their financial stability. Do not hesitate to call our offices with any questions you may have regarding pre-settlement legal funding and your eligibility. Apply now on our secure website or fill out our quick, convenient, and confidential contact form to begin the process for financial relief today.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.