Being involved in an accident or personal injury can be a difficult experience. If you need cash advance to maintain financial stability or meet your basic needs before your case settles, you can apply for a lawsuit loan in Montana. At High Rise Financial, we are dedicated to providing affordable lawsuit funding to plaintiffs and accident victims across Montana.
Our Montana settlement loans are completely safe and can help you get immediate financial relief. In addition, there are no restrictions on what you can use your money for. You can use your settlement loan to pay for your hospital bills, buy medications, purchase food, and pay rent. Also, the legal funding is non-recourse, and you don’t have to pay back anything if you lose your lawsuit.
Why You May Apply for Settlement Loan
If you have an ongoing lawsuit but facing financial hardship, here are some reasons to apply for settlement funding:
- Get the immediate funds you need to buy food, pay medical expenses, and cater to your family’s needs.
- The lawsuit loan is non-recourse with no risks or pressure involved.
- Settlement loans in Montana feature low-interest rates with no upfront costs.
- Also, taking out lawsuit loans can give your lawyer sufficient time to work on your case, negotiate with the insurance provider, and help you get your rightful financial compensation.
How to Apply for a Lawsuit Loan in Montana
Applying for our lawsuit loans or presettlement funding in Montana is fast and easy. Here are the steps involved:
- Inform our team that you would like to take out a settlement loan.
- Visit our website to fill out your forms and complete your lawsuit funding application.
- Provide the necessary personal information.
- Provide the vital details about your case or lawsuit.
- Provide the contact information of your attorney.
- Our settlement funding experts will meet with your legal counsel to review your case details, discuss the strengths, and your possible settlement amount.
- Our settlement loan specialists will evaluate your application and decide if you qualify.
If you are approved for the presettlement funding, you can receive your money in 24 hours or less.
How Do You Spend a Settlement Loan?
At High Rise Financial, our settlement loans are aimed at helping you achieve financial stability and meet your financial obligations. Once you receive your lawsuit loans, you can use the money to:
- Meet your primary needs
- Pay for your hospital bills and buy medications
- Pay for your daily living expenses
- Pay your rent, mortgage, and utilities
- Buy food and groceries
- Make car payments
Contact Us Today to Apply for Settlement Loans in Montana
Do you need immediate cash advance now to pay bills before your case settles? Call us today at High Rise Financial to apply for our settlement loans in Montana. Our trusted lawsuit loan experts can educate you about your settlement funding options. We’re proud to serve clients throughout Montana.