You may be familiar with settlement loans if you have filed a claim for personal injury. Most who incur a personal injury in Hawaii will need financial assistance. At High Rise Financial, we recognize the difficulty that victims and their families face. We offer Hawaii settlement loans to personal injury sufferers who cannot wait for compensation.
Laws Regarding Settlement Funding in Hawaii
Hawaii follows the same regulations for lawsuit loans as several other states. You should be qualified for legal settlement funding. The legislation in Hawaii prohibits settlement loans from giving any financial aid if you have already applied for funding. When a plaintiff in Hawaii has a settlement funding lien from the other lender that has not been paid off, the state prohibits the plaintiff from receiving a lawsuit loan from any other provider.
How to Qualify For Settlement Funding In Hawaii
Want to qualify for settlement funding in Hawaii? Our application process for lawsuit loans in Hawaii is simple and quick to complete! To apply for a lawsuit loan in Hawaii, you only need to start an application. To get lawsuit funding, provide the following:
- Your name
- Phone number
- Contact information for your attorney
- The type of case
If you apply for lawsuit funding in another state for the same case, you cannot apply in Hawaii.
How do Personal Injury Laws Affect Settlement Funding?
The amount of time to claim for personal injury is limited by the statute of limitations in your state. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Hawaii is two years from the date of the accident, beginning with the most recent incident. This covers lawsuits filed against people, municipalities, counties, or agencies of the state government.
In addition, the laws of fault in Hawaii decide whether or not a plaintiff is allowed to pursue a claim for personal injury. For instance, the state of Hawaii uses a kind of comparative fault known as modified comparative fault, which dictates that the amount of damages a plaintiff can obtain is proportional to the percentage of fault that the individual plaintiff bears for the accident.
In medical negligence cases, a limit is placed on non-economic damages that can be awarded in Hawaii. Currently, the amount of non-economic damages that can be awarded in these kinds of instances in Hawaii is capped at $375,000.
Why Choose US
Victims of personal injuries can receive aid from our highly skilled team of specialists. Contact us so we can organize a one-on-one consultation. When our settlement funding experts join you, they will be ready to discuss the finer details of your case and answer any questions you may have. Also, our specialists in legal funding will be available to discuss the specifics. Contact a team member as soon as possible to get information regarding the benefits of receiving lawsuit loans in Hawaii. Visit our website or call us at (866) 407-6404 to determine if you qualify for a lawsuit loan.