If you are in the middle of a lawsuit, you might start looking at different funding options to get the cash you need to meet your expenses while your case resolves. Many people turn to lawsuit loans or cash advance companies that charge compound interest and use predatory lending practices warned against by the New York Times and others. When you get money from those companies, you might be on the hook to pay back two or three times the amount you borrow, regardless of whether or not you win your lawsuit.
With pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial, however, you don’t have to worry about those kinds of hidden traps. If you lose your case after getting money from us, you don’t owe us anything back. High Rise Financial provides non-recourse funds, which means that we do not (and legally cannot) hold you personally liable for the debt. Since our repayment comes directly from your settlement or jury award, a result that leaves you with no compensation ensures that you do not have to pay us back.
Paying Us Back When You Win
The happier version of events is when you win your lawsuit. Before we get into the repayment procedure, let’s take a moment to see how pre-settlement legal funding can lead to more compensation for you.
Having an Attorney
High Rise Financial works with clients who have an attorney or law firm on the case. This helps to add validity to your lawsuit, protecting our underwriters. However, it’s also a good idea for you. When a lawyer represents you, you stand a far better chance at getting significant compensation than when you try to represent yourself. Usually, having a lawyer equates to a better settlement or jury award even after taking out any lawyer’s fees.
Giving You Time
The other way that pre-settlement legal funding helps you get a bigger compensation package is by removing the stress and pressure of a lack of income. Many injured people are unable to work for at least some amount of time after their accident, leading to lost wages even as the injury adds medical bills and other additional expenses to their plate.
The opposing side in a lawsuit knows this, and they use it to their advantage. By stalling negotiations, postponing meetings, and asking for trial rescheduling, they keep the pressure on you. Their hope is that your lack of money will lead to you becoming desperate enough to agree to a lowball settlement offer rather than the amount you truly deserve.
You can use pre-settlement legal funding to take away this tactic. Once the money is in your bank account, it’s yours to use as you need. It can be spent on:
- Daily expenses like gas money
- Food for your family
- Paying off hospital bills
- Installing necessary medical equipment in your home
- Repairing property damaged in your accident
- Paying rent or mortgages
How the Repayment Process Works
If you win your claim, the repayment process is exceedingly simple. In fact, you don’t have to do any of it yourself! High Rise Financial works directly with your attorney to get the amount we are owed. Here’s a breakdown of the sequence of events after your successful personal injury lawsuit.
- Your attorney gets the settlement check or jury award from the at-fault party.
- Your attorney writes High Rise Financial a check for the agreed-upon repayment amount.
- After your attorney fees are taken out, you keep the rest of your compensation package as well as the initial amount you borrowed from us!
Again, you are likely to receive a much higher settlement or jury award when you have a lawyer on your side.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Claimants Who Qualify for Pre-Settlement Legal Funding
Most personal injury claims will qualify for pre-settlement legal funding, pending approval by one of our expert underwriters. The American Bar Association defines personal injury as a tort, or claim, stemming from an injury that resulted from someone else’s actions or negligence, as well as from a situation for which they are ultimately responsible. In the past, High Rise Financial has provided up to $250,000 to claimants in the following types of cases, for example:
- Dog bites
- Auto wrecks (including those involving trucks, bicycles, or pedestrian collisions)
- Faulty medical device injuries
- Negligence in a nursing home setting
- Medical malpractice
- Slip and fall injuries
- Product liability (i.e. injuries from dangerous consumer goods)
We also work only with clients who have an attorney or law firm as a representative. If you think you have a case that is eligible, it’s time to start the application process.
Apply to Get Your Money Now
Getting your pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial is quick and easy. Fill out the form on our Apply Now page, including details about your case, a description of your injuries, any documents related to the lawsuit, and contact information for you and your attorney. If our underwriters need any other data, they will contact you or your attorney with questions. However, clients usually receive money in their accounts within as little as 24 hours.
Notice what you don’t have to provide:
- NO credit check
- NO bank statements or tax records
- NO proof of employment
That’s because your repayment doesn’t come from your personal finances, but from your settlement or jury award compensation. If you have any questions about the application process, the repayment structure, or anything else related to pre-settlement legal funding, reach our team through the email on our contact page or call us today at (877) 823-4377.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.