Many folks are concerned with whether their credit history is important when it comes to their receipt of a non-recourse loan. But we’ve got good news: it’s not at all important! In fact, it’s irrelevant. Let’s explain.
If you’re in the middle of a personal injury case, money is probably tight, especially if you’re not able to work because of your injuries. And if you were living paycheck to paycheck before your accident, you’ve probably run through any savings you might have had.
If you don’t have a job and you’ve maxed out your credit card(s), we can help. Legal funding is not like your average loan. We give you an advance on your future settlement, which you don’t pay back unless you win your case. The funding we provide is all predicated on your chances of winning your case – not your credit history.
Legal Funding Is Not a Typical Non-Recourse Loan
Pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial is not a typical loan. In fact, it’s not really a loan at all. That means the application process is different, and how you repay the money you receive is also different.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Applying for Legal Funding
Legal funding is tied directly to your eventual settlement or court award. It has nothing to do with your personal financial situation. What that means for you is:
- We don’t review your credit report.
- You don’t have to be employed.
- We don’t ask to see financial statements of any kind.
To apply for pre-settlement legal funding, the only requirements are that you be actively involved in your personal injury case and that you are represented by a lawyer.
If you meet those requirements, fill out the form on the Apply Now page to get started.
The only information you need to provide when you apply is your name and contact information and that of your lawyer. We get the rest from your lawyer. By applying, you are giving your lawyer permission to release this information.
Most lawyers will release your case details promptly. They know financial stress may cause you to want to accept a lowball settlement offer. By easing this stress, you give them more time to negotiate a better settlement.
Information We Ask For
Since pre-settlement legal funding is tied directly to your potential settlement, we need to know if you have a strong case. We determine that by reviewing:
- The text of your personal injury claim, including whether you are seeking punitive damages
- The details of when, where, and how your accident happened
- Who the defendant is
- The severity of your injuries
- If you are permanently disabled or if you will recover
- If you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to your accident
- The amount of your medical bills now and in the future
- Lost income, both current and future
- Property damages you suffered
Your lawyer will send us documentation that provides all of this information. Our underwriters will review it and, using industry calculators, will come up with a predicted amount for your settlement.
Based on the predicted settlement, we will present you with a written offer for a non-recourse loan in the form of legal funding. The whole approval process may take only an hour.
If you and your lawyer agree to the terms and sign the documents, we can transfer the funds to your bank account within 24-48 hours. Once the money is in your account, it is yours to spend as you wish.
How You Repay Us
The repayment process differs quite substantially from a lawsuit loan or personal loan. To clarify:
- There are no monthly payments.
- We do not charge interest.
- The amount you have to repay will not increase.
- We charge a one-time fee for our services.
- You pay us back when you win your case.
When you settle your case or get a court award, the other side will send the funds to your attorney’s firm. They will pay us directly from those funds. They then deduct their legal fees and make any other required payments before releasing the remaining funds to you.
Complete a Free Application form now
If You Lose Your Case
Most of our clients win a settlement or court award in their personal injury cases. That’s because we only provide legal funding in situations where we think you have a strong case and will prevail. But things happen, and there’s always the chance you could lose your case.
While no one wants to lose their case, it is actually good news in that you don’t have to worry about paying us back. Due to the non-recourse nature of our legal funding, if you lose your case, you don’t pay us back. It really is that simple.
We assume the risk when we approve you for legal funding. Even if you haven’t spent all of the money yet, you won’t owe us a dime. Pre-settlement legal funding is truly a no-risk financial option when you need money while you wait for your personal injury case to settle.
Apply for a Pre-Settlement Non-Recourse Loan Now
If you’re having trouble making ends meet while your personal injury case drags on, we may be able to help. Even if you don’t have a job, you can apply for a pre-settlement non-recourse loan with High Rise Financial.
To get started, just fill out the form on the Apply Now page. In most cases, we can let you know if you’re approved within the hour. If you need help or have questions, you can call us at (866) 407-6404.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.