Lawsuits are notoriously long, arduous affairs. Unfortunately, that means injured people seeking compensation from the at-fault party who harmed them may end up waiting months or even years to get the money they are owed. When injuries prevent the person from earning an income, hospital bills come calling, and daily expenses keep rolling in, the injured person can feel trapped. Many people turn to pre-settlement legal funding as a safe way to get their money now instead of having to wait for their lawsuit to settle.
High Rise Financial provides non-recourse pre-settlement legal funding at no risk to you. The application is easy, and the process is straightforward. We’ll go over how pre-settlement legal funding works, and why it’s better than a lawsuit loan. If you’re waiting on a lawsuit to settle or a jury to decide on your compensation package, consider getting legal funding from High Rise Financial to help you meet your needs in the meantime.
The High Rise Financial Process
There are only a few steps in our pre-settlement legal funding process, and only the first requires effort on your part. By simplifying matters, we are able to get you the money you deserve as quickly as possible.
Step One: Application
First, you need to fill out the form on our Apply Now page. The information we need to make our decision involves the details of your claim, such as the amount of expected compensation, the extent of your injuries, the value of any damaged property involved in your case, and similar considerations. Unlike other lending situations, our application is not invasive. That means:
- NO credit check
- NO proof of employment required
- NO examination of your finances
Step Two: Deliberation
Once you submit an application, our underwriters take over. They check the details of your claim to determine how much funding we can offer you. Though occasionally they may contact you or your attorney for additional information about your lawsuit, they may approve you and have money in your account within as little as 24 hours.
Step Three: Celebration
This is the best step of all. If you are approved for pre-settlement legal funding, High Rise Financial can provide you with up to $250,000, based on the merits of your claim. That money goes into your bank account and is yours to spend as you need. Use it to:
- Pay off medical expenses.
- Purchase medical equipment for your home, if necessary.
- Cover your rent or mortgage payments while your claim settles.
- Put food on the table.
- Make investments.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Repaying Your Pre-Settlement Funding
If getting your money is a celebration, the thought of repayment is often a nightmare. At High Rise Financial, we understand that many people have been burned by lending companies in the past. But legal funding isn’t a lawsuit loan. Repayment comes not from your personal finances, but from your eventual compensation. That means there is no risk to you! Here’s how it works.
You receive pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial to shore up your bank account while you wait for your lawsuit to resolve. Then, whether through a settlement negotiation or a jury award, your case finally concludes. Your attorney will receive a check for the agreed-upon amount, send the repayment check to High Rise Financial, and you keep the rest of your compensation. It’s that simple.
Better Than Lawsuit Loans
Unlike lawsuit loans, pre-settlement legal funding is no-risk to you. According to the Center for Public Integrity, lawsuit loan companies can prey on injured people, signing them up for monthly payments that lock them in even if they wind up losing their claim. With pre-settlement funding from High Rise Financial, there are no monthly payments. You pay back your funds from the amount you get in your settlement.
If you do not make a recovery, you owe us nothing! With this policy, we ensure that you do not have to worry about being locked into payments when you receive no compensation.
Getting Your Money Now
Don’t let the at-fault party in your case stall proceedings in the hopes that you’ll agree to a lowball offer. Get pre-settlement funding from High Rise Financial to ease your monetary worries and fight for the compensation you truly deserve.
Our process is easy to understand, with an emphasis on transparency. You see the terms you sign up for before you put pen to paper, you don’t have to wait weeks for approval, and you can always apply for additional funds if you need more before your case resolves. Apply online via our Apply Now form. For more information, call our team at (877) 823-4377.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.