When you apply for legal funding, you usually need financial assistance as soon as possible. Pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial is available for people with ongoing personal injury lawsuits, which can last for years. In other words, applicants are often at the end of the rope, financially. Thankfully, applying for pre-settlement legal funding is totally FREE. There are no hidden fees, and the entire process at High Rise Financial is transparent so that you know what you’re signing up for every step of the way.
What to Include in Your Application
We try to keep things simple at High Rise Financial. The legal process is confusing enough without a plethora of loopholes to jump through to get the money you need, fast. Unlike other lenders, our application does NOT require a credit check, employment verification, or invasive combing through your personal finances. Instead, our decision to grant you pre-settlement funding rests on the merits of your claim.
When you fill out the form on our Apply Now page, make sure to include relevant facts about your personal injury lawsuit. The following are good points to underscore:
- The extent of your injuries
- Length of any hospital stay you endured
- Medical expenses
- Your total expected compensation package
- The value of any property damaged in your accident
- The name and contact information of the attorney representing you
If we need more data before making an official decision, we will contact either you or your law firm. Since we work directly with attorneys, we require that you have a lawyer on your case before we approve any funding.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
Getting Your Money Now
Pre-settlement legal funding is a way of pulling forward from your future settlement. It’s like getting the money you are owed now rather than later, allowing your attorney to take as long as necessary to get the best possible compensation for you. Then, when you get your compensation package through either a settlement negotiation or jury award after a trial, you pay High Rise Financial back out of those funds.
Our repayment comes not from your personal money, but from the compensation you eventually receive. This is why we don’t need to do a deep dive into your private finances.
When You Can Expect Funds
Our underwriters are fast. Super fast. In some cases, our clients can see the money in their accounts within 24 hours of applying. In others, we might need to verify information with your attorney or get additional data. In all instances, however, we will make our decision as quickly as possible, knowing that you are counting on efficiency.
How Much You Can Expect
The amount of money we can offer varies from case to case, as it depends on the expected value of your settlement. When the cases have merited it, our underwriters have approved up to $250,000. If you end up needing more than your initial legal funding, you can always apply again. Remember: applying for legal funding is free!
Repaying Your Pre-Settlement Legal Funding
Once your lawsuit resolves, you pay back your pre-settlement legal funding. There is no need to worry about this process, as it does not require any effort on your part. Here is a list of the usual sequence of events:
- Your case resolves, and you get a settlement or jury award.
- Your attorney receives the check from the opposing party.
- Your attorney sends High Rise Financial the amount owed (agreed to beforehand).
- You keep the rest!
Some lawsuit funding companies provide a different form of aid, called lawsuit loans. With a lawsuit loan, you might be locked into monthly payments at compound interest, resulting in a repayment amount two to three times as much as you initially borrowed. This is noted in an article by the Center for Public Integrity.
Pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial is different. You pay us back directly out of your settlement arrangement, with no monthly fees. Plus, by having funds that allow you to negotiate for longer, your lawyer typically can get a much higher settlement amount.
If the case takes a turn for the worse and you end up losing your lawsuit, don’t panic. When you get no compensation, you owe us nothing. Thus, pre-settlement legal funding from High Rise Financial is risk-free!
Apply Today at No Cost
If you have a personal injury claim, you should know that you might be left waiting months or even years before seeing a dime from the opposing party. High Rise Financial can provide you with the money you need to meet everyday expenses like utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, groceries for your family, and whatever else crops up. Cases we’ve funded in the past include medical malpractice, slip and fall claims, car accident cases, product liability injuries, and more.
Apply today by filling out the form on our Apply Now page. If you have any questions, our team is ready to be of service. Call our offices at (877) 823-4377, and we will do what we can to address your concerns.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.