It’s important if you are seeking any kind of loan or cash advance that you figure out the terms of repayment first. If you’re considering applying for pre-settlement legal funding with High Rise Financial, we’re glad you’re asking questions. We like to be upfront and honest with all our applicants.
First off, you must be involved in a personal injury claim and have a lawyer representing you to qualify for legal funding. But if you lose your case, you are NOT responsible for interest repayments. You’re not responsible for any kind of repayment to us at all. And you’re especially not responsible for interest repayments if you lose your case because we don’t charge interest.
Non-Recourse Legal Funding Is Not a Typical Loan
What kind of loan doesn’t charge interest? Well, strictly speaking, non-recourse legal funding from High Rise Financial is not a typical loan. Yes, you have to pay us back, but with one big exception. (We’ll get to that in a minute.)
First, we’d like to explain how our 3-step pre-settlement funding process works.
Apply now by filling out the form, or keep reading for more information.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
The Application Process
The application process is free and painless. All you have to do is fill out the form on our Apply Now page. It just asks for basic information, like your name and contact information, and the same for your lawyer.
Once we have this information, we contact your lawyer to get the details of your case including your expected settlement. Your case manager then supplies that information to our underwriters.
And since legal funding from High Rise Financial is not a regular loan, you don’t have to undergo a credit check, provide proof of employment, or give us any tax forms.
The Approval Process
Once our underwriters have the details of your personal injury claim, they can then determine if we can approve you for legal funding and if so, how much. We approve most applicants, but we may deny your application depending on the details of your case or if you apply without a lawyer.
In most situations, we approve funding anywhere from $500 to $250,000. Larger sums are reserved for clients with the most serious injuries or who are involved in a wrongful death case, where settlements tend to be higher.
How much you are approved for depends on several factors, including:
- The severity of your injuries and your likelihood of a full recovery
- Your current and future medical bills
- Lost wages both now and in the future
- Whether you are seeking punitive damages
- Settlements in comparable cases in your state
Once we have a dollar figure we can offer you, we present you and your lawyer with a written offer. The amount you will have to repay includes the full amount of legal funding, plus a one-time, flat-rate fee. Because we do not charge interest, you repay the same amount no matter how long it takes for your case to resolve.
If you accept the offer, you sign the agreement and we transfer the funds to your account within 24-48 hours.
Repayment Process
When your case settles, or you win an award in the courts, the other side will send your lawyer a check for the agreed-upon amount. If you have a structured settlement, the first check will only be a portion of your settlement. But it will certainly be enough to pay your legal fees and High Rise Financial, with some left over for you.
When your lawyer receives the funds, they then write us a check for the amount specified in our agreement.
What Happens if You Lose Your Case
If you lose your case, you don’t pay us a dime. That’s because of the non-recourse nature of our agreement. We won’t go after your assets or garnish your wages. Your settlement was the collateral on this “loan” and if there is no collateral, we don’t collect.
Pre-settlement funding with High Rise Financial really is a risk-free financial solution.
Complete a Free Application form now
Apply Today for Pre-Settlement Legal Funding
All you need to do to get the process started is to fill out the form on the Apply Now page. Once we have the information we need from your attorney, we’ll be in touch the same business day. It’s pretty typical for us to approve an application the same day, sometimes within hours. And once you’re approved, we can have the funds in your account within 24 hours in most cases.
Call us at (866) 407-6404 if you need assistance or have questions. We’ll be happy to help.
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.