You do not have to deplete your savings or resort to high-interest credit card loans to fund your defective drug or medical device case. Obtaining pre settlement funding from High Rise Financial can significantly alter the course of your legal journey.
Philadelphia defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans conveniently generate the resources plaintiffs need to support their search for justice.
Pros of Leveraging Philadelphia Defective Drugs and Medical Devices Lawsuit Loans
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
- Immediate settlement loan availability: Our presettlement funding application process is straightforward. We also have a standby team to process and approve lawsuit loans punctually.
- Confidential lawsuit loan service: We are committed to maintaining privacy throughout all settlement loan transactions. Careful handling of sensitive information results in a trustworthy and confidential lawsuit loan request process.
- Clear lawsuit funding fee structure: The costs of accessing Philadelphia defective drugs and medical devices pre-settlement loans are provided upfront to ensure applicants are well informed. You will not be required to make out-of-pocket payments when applying for our lawsuit loan.
- Settlement funding to safeguard your savings: Lawsuit loans provide an alternative means to cover urgent expenses during litigation. With the support of our pre settlement funding, plaintiffs do not need to exhaust personal savings.
- Lawsuit loans for a potentially higher payout: With the backing of our pre settlement loan you can avoid inadequate settlement offers, negotiate from a position of strength, and potentially receive better compensation.
Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me (877) 735-0016
What is Philadelphia Defective Drugs and Medical Devices Lawsuit Loans
Pre settlement loans are cash advances available to individuals seeking compensation for the effects of unsafe medications and medical devices, including:
Lawsuit loans provide the means to fund ongoing litigations for plaintiffs with financial constraints. You can use the settlement loan to pay legal fees and other urgent expenses for a seamless legal journey. Philadelphia defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans are secured by the projected payout from your case. Settlement loans are non-recourse, meaning the outcome of your lawsuit determines repayment. You do not have to worry about repaying the presettlement funding if your legal claim is unsuccessful. Additionally, lawsuit loan repayment is deferred until the end of litigation, eliminating the need to pay monthly installments.
What You Need to Qualify for Settlement Loans
The first requirement for legal funding is an ongoing defective drug or medical device case. Your active case should be based on strong legal grounds with the backing of compelling evidence to be considered for a settlement loan. The lawsuit funding amount you might qualify for relies on the projected settlement from your case. Therefore, a stronger case can lead to a bigger settlement loan amount. Competent legal representation is equally crucial in acquiring Philadelphia defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans.
Complete a Free Application form now
Secure Timely Financial Assistance with Our Settlement Funding
Choosing our settlement loans can be a pivotal moment in your legal journey. You will attain the confidence and financial resources to confront pharmaceutical negligence. Submit your pre settlement funding application to get started!
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.