Fighting for fairness against a powerful defendant in a pharmaceutical liability case can be overwhelming. Obtaining a settlement loan can protect you from the aggressive defense strategies of drug and medical device manufacturers and empower you to defend your rights.
With Portland defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans from High Rise Financial, plaintiffs receive the resources and confidence to demand justice.
Rewards of Accessing Portland Defective Drugs and Medical Devices Lawsuit Loans
- Settlement loans with reliable customer support: Our reliable customer support team ensures settlement funding requests are processed timeously. Our experts provide personalized guidance for a satisfying pre settlement loan experience.
- Transparent lawsuit loan fee structure: Our pre settlement funding comes with a transparent fee structure, ensuring applicants comprehend the necessary costs beforehand. This promotes confidence in the lawsuit loan application process.
- Lawsuit funding without employment verification: Pre settlement loans are not based on your job status, but on the merits of your lawsuit. This provision ensures our lawsuit loan is accessible even to individuals who cannot work due to complications caused by harmful pharmaceuticals.
- Settlement loans to safeguard your savings: Portland defective drugs and medical devices pre-settlement loans offer immediate financial aid, removing the need to spend personal savings on legal costs.
- Avoid premature case settlement with our lawsuit loans: Equipped with our presettlement funding, you will be less inclined to accept an inadequate settlement offer out of financial desperation. The settlement loan will enable you to maximize your legal claim.
To apply for free, call (877) 735-0016
How Portland Defective Drugs and Medical Devices Lawsuit Loans Work
Pre settlement funding provides instant cash advances to individuals engaged in legal disputes concerning unsafe medications and medical devices, including:
Contrary to the provisions of conventional loans, legal funding is not attached to assets. Instead, lawsuit loans use the projected settlement from an applicant’s case as collateral. Prospective settlement loan applicants must have an active legal claim and professional legal representation. Portland defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans offer much flexibility concerning utilization. Lawsuit loan applicants can allocate the funds based on their financial needs. Additionally, settlement loan repayment is deferred to the end of the case. Upon acquiring our presettlement funding, you will not be required to make monthly repayments.
Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me (877) 735-0016
FAQs about Our Settlement Funding Services
- What is non-recourse lawsuit funding?
Unlike traditional funding options, lawsuit loans are non-recourse. This implies that you will only be obligated to repay the pre settlement funding if your legal claim is successful.
- How does my credit score impact my access to lawsuit loans?
Your credit score does not impact your access to Portland defective drugs and medical devices lawsuit loans, as they are based on the strength of an applicant’s case.
Streamline Your Legal Journey with Our Settlement Loans
Our funding conveniently offers the financial support needed to sustain your legal claim, ensuring you achieve just compensation. Take the first step towards achieving justice by applying for our loans today!
Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free.