Car accident loans provide you with the money you need to make ends meet in the short term, which can allow you and your lawyer to fight for the maximum amount of compensation if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence.
How Cash Funding Can Help You
In the weeks and months after a car accident, it’s common for the person involved to suffer from difficult injuries that make it hard or impossible to work and carry out activities of daily living like before. This can put a major financial strain on the family, but car accident loans, or cash funding, can allow you to pay for the medical attention you need, fill your cupboards with groceries, and ensure that you can stay in your house or apartment.
Even if you are lucky enough to have a substantial amount in your savings account, those funds can run out much faster than you ever anticipated in the aftermath of a car accident. Plus, it can take months or years to finally get the case resolved, and that’s simply too long for most families to stay afloat financially before getting compensation. Many lawyers will purposely draw a case out to put financial pressure on the car accident victim to force them to settle out of court for far less than their case is worth.
If you decide to seek Wisconsin legal funding, this can help your family keep the lights on in the short term, and it can allow you to hold out for as long as you need to while your case gets resolved. Given the extra time cash funding provides, you and your lawyer can fight for the maximum amount of compensation from the party that caused the car accident and led to your injuries. Most importantly, cash funding can bring about a much-needed sense of calm during a very difficult time.
What if You Lose Your Case?
One of the most common reasons people don’t seek out pre-settlement legal funding is because they worry about having to pay back the sum if their case doesn’t turn out the way they expect. It’s important to be wary of legal scams after an accident or while involved in a legal case, as many agencies will try to take advantage of those experiencing a difficult time in their lives by charging high interest rates or not providing the legal services promised.
Fortunately, if you are given cash funding from High Rise Financial, you don’t have to worry about paying it back if your case is lost. This provides a huge sense of relief to those who need money now but can’t pay back a loan if they don’t end up receiving the compensation they expect. If you win your case, one of our staff members will help you set up a manageable payment plan to repay the balance over time.
Getting Started with Cash Funding
In order to receive pre-settlement funding, you will first need to apply with a reputable agency that provides Wisconsin car accident loans. This usually begins with filling out a short application with your contact information, some basic information about your case, and the contact information of your attorney. From there, a staff member will reach out to you and your lawyer to discuss a bit more about the case.
You can usually get approval within 24 hours and cash by the next day! You also don’t have to worry about submitting a credit check or proof that you have a job, and there is no need to provide more information about your current financial situation. If you need cash funding, but you don’t yet have a lawyer working on your case, your first step is to find an attorney to represent you.
We can only give cash funding to those who are working with a qualified attorney. Beyond cash funding for those involved in car accidents, we may also be able to provide funding for other personal injury cases, like medical malpractice, product liability, and workplace accidents.
What if You Need More Money Before Your Case Settles?
If your case drags on even longer than anticipated, or you have unexpected bills and expenses, you may need more funding before your case is finally resolved. Fortunately, you can always reach back out to us at High Rise Financial and request more funding whenever you need it. After each request, our team of underwriters will take another look at your case and determine whether we can give more until your case is settled.
We understand that it can be difficult to ask for help while you are facing such a hard time, but a helping hand in the form of cash funding can make all the difference in your life while you wait for your case to settle.
Get the Pre-Settlement Funding You Need by Tomorrow at High Rise Financial
If you are in the middle of a Wisconsin car accident case and you need some cash to help you make ends meet, our team of dedicated staff members at High Rise Financial would be happy to help. We will be there every step of the way, from the moment you apply until your balance is paid off after you win your case. All you have to do is contact us and one of our staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.