Anyone who has been the victim of a car accident that wasn’t their fault deserves compensation, including you. High Rise Financial thinks you deserve the full value of your case, but financial realities and insurance company tactics can keep you from getting it.
We can be your shield through our New Hampshire car accident loans. If you have a case in process and a lawyer on retainer, we can offer you pre-settlement financing. You can get a portion of your settlement money early with our help.
How Car Accident Loans Work
Car accident loans, known more formally as pre-settlement financing, are not like traditional loans. There are banks that will offer you legal financing with a traditional loan, but it puts you in a terrible situation.
Let’s look at our loans first. Put in the simplest terms, we offer you cash in advance from your future settlement. If you lose your case, you don’t have to pay us back. If you win your case, your lawyer will pay us back from your settlement, plus a small amount of simple interest.
Our car accident loans are known in the finance world as non-recourse debt. We give up the right to get paid back through your other assets. Only your settlement pays us back, and that makes our car accident loans one of the safest ways to get money in your case.
Why Not Use a Traditional Loan?
Traditional loans have several disadvantages when you’re funding a lawsuit. At the top is the chance you could lose your case. If you lose your case and get nothing or receive much less than you thought, you still owe the full balance and interest. That adds an enormous burden to what you’re already facing.
Car accident cases can also take months or years to complete. Your loan may mature before you’re done, forcing you to pay before you have the money. Also, you’ll probably be charged with compound interest, in which case, that can make the amount of money you owe explode.
Additionally, to qualify for a traditional loan, you’ll get asked many questions about your finances, credit, and employment. These questions may be embarrassing to answer. Since we get paid only through your settlement, you’ll never have to answer these with High Rise Financial.
Requirements to Get a Car Accident Loan
There are just three things we need to qualify you for a car accident loan in New Hampshire. That’s it!
- You need a car accident case
- You need to have a lawyer working on your case
- Your lawyer needs to agree to allow pre-settlement financing
Since we only get paid back through your settlement, you must have a case where you can get one. To help us know your chances of success and how much you could receive, we must speak with your lawyer.
Finally, since your lawyer will pay us back out of your settlement, we need to get their permission to handle that. Unfortunately, if your lawyer declines to work with us, we cannot offer you pre-settlement financing.
New Hampshire’s Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents
Under New Hampshire law, you have three years from the accident to start your lawsuit. Once you breach this deadline, your case will be thrown out because of the statute of limitations.
This is an important legal rule that sets limits on how long you can wait before you bring up the problem in court. It’s an extension of our right to a speedy trial. When you hire a lawyer, one of the first things they’ll do is notify the court, so the clock gets paused.
Getting a lawyer working for you doesn’t just make you eligible for a car accident loan. It also preserves your day in court. Once an insurance company knows you’ve passed the deadline, you have little legal recourse to make them pay what you deserve.
Paying Back Your Car Accident Loan in New Hampshire
Are you worried about taking out a lawsuit loan due to the costs? When you choose our New Hampshire legal funding, you do not have to. Our car accident loans are non-recourse, so you can only pay them back with your injury settlement.
If your lawyer is not successful in pursuing your case after we have sent the funds to your bank account, you can breathe easier. We will never attempt to recoup this loss. You have been through enough without worrying about potential wage garnishment or other debt collection attempts.
Speak with Our Loan Representatives
If you need money after your car accident and cannot wait on a settlement, there is hope. High Rise Financial will help you rise above your financial trouble. You can use our New Hampshire car accident loans to pay for any expense you have, just like if you received your settlement money early.
To speak with one of our loan representatives, reach out to our team via phone or online. We’ll be glad to assist you with your loan application.