When you are having trouble making ends meet, you may be interested in exploring your financial options. Many people receiving structured settlements wonder whether they can sell their structured settlements to get an advance on their funds. However, before you sell your structured settlement, there are specific questions you might want to ask and consider …
Can You Get a Home Loan with a Pending Lawsuit?
If you are currently involved in a pending civil lawsuit, there is a possibility that you could get a home loan, but it is not likely. The financial responsibilities that come with pending lawsuits are often seen as a risk to mortgage lenders. If the lender believes you are a high-risk applicant, they may dramatically …
How to Track Your Settlement Check
Once your civil lawsuit or personal injury claim has been resolved, you may feel immediate relief. However, your apprehension while you wait for your settlement check to come in could be overwhelming. If you are hoping to track your settlement check, understanding what happens after your lawsuit has been resolved is instrumental. Your attorney will …
4 Benefits of a Same-Day Pre-Settlement Loan
When you are having difficulty making ends meet after dealing with a difficult litigation process, you may be looking into your options for financial relief. Although there are many misconceptions regarding same-day pre-settlement loans, the benefits are undeniable when you have a respected lawsuit loan institution supporting you. Our team at High Rise Financial hopes …
Bladder Sling Lawsuit Statute of Limitations
After suffering the painful symptoms and side effects of a defective bladder sling, you may be anxious to recover the compensation you need to cover your expenses, get yourself back on track financially, and begin rebuilding your life. However, it is important to pursue your lawsuit before the statute of limitations expires. The personal injury …
What Is the Average Settlement for a Slip-and-Fall Injury Lawsuit?
Although you may be anxious to find out how much your slip-and-fall injury settlement could be worse, it is important to remember that there is no average settlement amount for a slip-and-fall injury claim. There is simply too broad a spectrum of injuries and damages to settle on a specific dollar amount. The range would …
What Is the Average Class-Action Settlement Per Person?
There is no average class-action settlement per person. Every person suffers damage differently. What may be significant to you may be insignificant to another. And vice versa. Although there is no average class-action settlement amount per person, that does not mean you cannot be awarded compensation for your damages. Although you may be anxious to …
Same-Day Pre-Settlement Loans: What You Need to Know
Whether you are pursuing compensation through an insurance or civil claim, when your compensation is pending, you may be anxious to access it so you can move forward with your life. Unfortunately, many injury victims and compensation recipients find that it could be months or even years before their money comes in. Same-day pre-settlement loans …
Should I Take a Lump Sum or Structured Settlement?
When you are dealing with any type of civil lawsuit or insurance case, the defense may offer you a lump sum or structured settlement to compensate you for your damages. It can be difficult to know which option is best suited for you. The best way to find out is by contacting your personal injury …
How to Make Money While Waiting for a Settlement
When you are stuck struggling to make ends meet while waiting for your injury settlement or civil payout to come through, you may be looking into alternative ways to make money. However, your damages may make it difficult for you to explore other income streams. Fortunately, legal funding may be a great option for those …
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